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<div style='border: 0px solid #646464; padding: 2px 2px; margin:2px 2px;background-color:#ffffff;font-size:11px;'> <p>If you like this please Link Back to this article...</p> <textarea cols='60' id='bloglinking' name='bloglinking' onclick='this.focus();this.select()' onfocus='this.select()' onmouseover='this.focus()' readonly='readonly' rows='2'><a href="<data:post.url/>"><data:post.title/></a></textarea><br/></div><br/>
4 Tukarkan "If you like this please Link Back to this article" dengan ayat sendiri. Tukar font, color sesuka hati anda
5 Tekan Save. Selamat Mencuba (^^,)
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thankz for sharing...